
Picture bank

Download pictures from our archives here. 


All images available through Qeqertalik Business Council A / S media service are subject to copyright. By downloading material, the following conditions are automatically accepted. 

Regarding the use of images

Our images are exclusively intended to market Qeqertalik Business Council and Destination Diskobay A / S in articles about Qeqertalik and the municipality’s business and tourism activities in newspapers and magazines, product brochures, flyers, advertisements and on websites. The wording “Qeqertalik Business Council” or “Destination Diskobay” must be used in connection with the images, unless agreed otherwise with Qeqertalik Business Council and Destination Diskobay. 

Copies and links

Please send copies of print material and links for use in electronic media to:

Qeqertalik Business Council A/S

Niels Egedesvej 6

PO Box 100

3950 Aasiaat

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